The May Fair Hotel

Inhabiting the courtyard to add hotel rooms in a central London historic building


Architecture & Interior

Mayfair, London, UK

Area: 2400m2


Requiring a design that would secure planning permission, this hotel in a high-end neighbourhood had an underused courtyard and the need for more space in a densely built urban environment.

We designed a contemporary shape and skin for a new courtyard extension to accommodate more rooms. We incorporated a structure carved from the site constraints, to enable natural light to flood into the hotel rooms without compromising guest privacy. At street level, our designs to revive the façade retained a traditional twist in order to blend into the environment. The limitations of the site became the points of creativity, resulting in a design that added a one-of-a-kind feeling to the building.

En cours...


Expanding the site capacity to provide more accommodation and amenities


Within the central courtyard, a new volume responds to the constraints of the space through use of a directional façade system, allowing views and daylight without compromising guest privacy.


The proposal aims to achieve a clear and unified facade concept throughout the street level elevation, through the addition of a ground level canopy and a reconfigured pedestrian zone.


Inspired from the existing brand logo, this variable skin is adapted to the programs it houses while directing views to ensure privacy.


If you’d like to know more about this project, please get in touch.


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