Adding a project
1. Under ‘Not Linked’ in the Pages list, click the + sign and select Index as the page type.
2. Give this page the name of the project you’re going to upload. This name can be seen publicly so ensure it is correct.
3. Under your new index page, select ‘Add Section’ and choose gallery. This is where you upload your main banner image for the project which should be 2000px x 1000px.
4. For the rest of the blocks within a project page: Project Information, Project Content and Further Projects, it is easier to duplicate the respective blocks from an existing project. So find the next block you need, within the project template. Click the cog/settings icon alongside the page in the list, and at the bottom of the ‘General’ tab, there is a button to Duplicate Page
5. Once it is duplicated it will appear as a new page in the list, rename this correctly for your project and drag each of these under the Index page you created, keeping them in the same order as the other projects.
6. Now the layout of your project page is in place, you can click on the Index page for the project in the list and go through each block, changing the content to the new project.
7. In the French/English tabbed section, you need to edit the code block. Replace the text with the correct text for the project, between the <p> and </p> tags for each paragraph of text. It should be clear where the English and French should be placed.
8. Within the project content section you can add text and images depending on the content.
9. To change the projects in the Further Projects section, click Edit on the summary block. Under Display, you will be able to enter the tags you want to show. It will show the first three projects under this tag in the All Page Links Gallery.
10. Once all the content on the new project page is in place, select ‘All Page Links Gallery’ which is in the ‘Not Linked’ section of the Pages list. Upload the Project’s link image to this gallery, which needs to be one of the three sizes: 1500x1500, 1500x1000 or 1500x2500. You can drag the image’s order in the gallery to affect where it displays amongst other projects.
11. Add the correct title and description to this image. These are what display with the project on the homepage or on the Projects page. The description should be in the format 'Project Title • Category • Location'
12. Add tags and categories to the image accordingly. The category should just be Projects, and Home if you want it to display there. The tags are to be chosen from the four on the Projects page. You can add new tags, but they will be shown on the Projects page.
13. Under the options tab, add a ‘Clickthrough URL’ and select the project’s index page from the list.
Adding a Journal Entry
1.Open the page ‘Journal Content’
2. Click to Edit an existing Journal entry, then click duplicate on this entry
3. Add your post title and content to the new entry. This section acts like a normal page. I suggest adding a spacer on the right hand side of all of the content to ensure it doesn’t run the full width of the page. I have made this spacer equal to 5 out of 12 columns.
4. You do not need to add tags or categories here.
5. Click save and publish.
6. Follow the same process outlined for a project in steps 10-14 above to add an image to the ‘All Page Links Gallery’ and link it to the blog post.
Reauthenticate Instagram link for footer
Connect your Instagram account
To authorize your account:
Open the Connected Accounts panel. (on main Home page - got to Settings at bottom of list on left - the Third Party Accounts)
Click Connect Account.
Select Instagram from the Social Accounts menu..